Ne​ssa's Sweets
"The Best Things in Life Are Sweet!"

A Family Business
A Family Business

Vanessa Boden
Vanessa Boden
Hi! I'm Vanessa, mother to 4 amazing little ones, and wife to a very encouraging and helpful husband. After years of cooking and baking for friends and family, I decided to turn a personal passion into the small business that is Nessa's Sweets. I take pride in helping others make specials occasions a success by taking some of the stress away. I'm happy to go over any ideas you may have, or offer suggestions if you're not sure where to start. Regardless, you can rest assured knowing anything you order will look and taste delicious!
I strive to provide great tasting treats for any event in the Pittsburgh area, including Festivals and Vendor Fairs. Like us on Facebook to see where our Pop Up Bakery is headed next! You can also call anytime, and I'd be happy to help with small gift ideas or a quote for your next party. Whatever the occasion, your sweet tooth will be satisfied!​